Ha ha ha ha!!!Is this that has caused all the brouhaha???Amazing! I don't feel offended at all. Although I don't know howmuch of the scorn, if any, in the original Hindi article was lost intranslation, if it was really written in the sense it comes out inthe translation, I think we are just making a mountain out of amolehill for a childish article that appears in a vernacular paper,the circulation of which would never go beyond the Hindi belt.To me the writer of this essay, if at all this pap can be elevatedto that literary status, comes across as a Mama's boy with a puerilesense of humour. Chances are he took up the CA course but failed tomake it. A classic case of sour grapes! It's not unoften toencounter such people who having failed to cut the mustard in the CAcourse, start running it down! CA is not for everyone; it is oftenexpanded as Come Again, considering the number of times you may haveto visit the examination hall before you finally cross the Rubicon.With due respect to the MBAs, I still remember how many years ago anoffice boy working with a client of ours proudly told me he was anMBA while he fetched a glass of water for me! This is where Men areseparated from Boys! Chartered Accountancy is not a universitydegree like the MBA. A CA is a CA; you see we don't have to tellpeople where did we do our Chartered Accountancy from!! A monolithbody called the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India set upunder an Act of Parliament of India regulates the profession ofChartered Accountancy. While where you little Masters of Businessand Administration did your MBA from makes a world of difference toyour career and standing. Being a university degree and this beingPeople's Republic of India, we know that the MBA degree can even bebought for, how much, Rs 10000?? What's the going rate these days??If you weren't able to complete your CA, it's okay. Just make agraceful exit. It's not the end of life. There's more to life thanjust being a Chartered Accountant. The more you try to bad mouththis profession, the more you betray your own frustration for nothaving been up to snuff to earn this qualification.I fail to fathom why do you guys call yourselves "Masters" ofbusiness without knowing even the debit/credit rules of accounting.Accounting is universally regarded as the language of the Business.And it is we CAs, who Ms Accounting is married to. Ever ask her outon a date? Try it; you'll find she is a tough customer. You have tokneel before her and worship her hard day and night for years beforeshe would finally acquiescence and consent to be your better half.You may have the communication skills and all that jazz, but when itcomes to real substance knowledge, it's the chartered accountantswho the business community looks up to.You see, we haven't got our CA degrees studying in a classroom witha teacher scrawling graphs depicting forms of business organizationson a blackboard. We have learnt our craft in the real world ofbusiness right from day one; we have cleared examinations that turnatheists into believers in God. Do you know what the pass percentagein CA exams is? Compare it with the success rate in MBA and you willfind that our ICAI prefers quality over quantity.Perhaps for the first time in the history of our beloved profession,the ratio of members in industry is on the verge of surpassing theratio of members in practice. I think it is this demand of CAs inindustry that has really got you guys' goat, isn't it? You find CAsmaking their mark in fields hitherto monopolized by you, sort ofusurping your territory? It was okay till we sat in our own officesand conducted those audits. Our increased presence in the corporatesector is beginning to threaten you.I understand your state of mind. It's human to feel small when facedwith a formidable adversary. But you see, the way to go is to focuson your own strengths and not others' weaknesses. Having stale,insipid and clichéd jokes published in local newspapers, perhaps inexchange for a few bucks to the shady hacks, does not behoove thegreat "Masters of Business". If anything, it only reveals your ownlack of self-belief and insecurity. But perhaps neither you MBAs northose amateur dime-a-dozen journos have heard anything aboutprofessional ethics and conduct.Have you ever seen us denigrating other professionals in thismanner? No, because we are supremely confident of our own abilities.We do not derive our self-esteem from mocking others. Have you heardthat Akbar--Birbal anecdote? Akbar drew a line on the ground andasked his courtiers if any of them could shorten that line. None ofthem could think of any way of doing that except to simply erase apart of the line. Finally, Birbal stepped forward and drew a longerline parallel to it, and the original line was made shorter!!Did you learn anything, my dear MBA brothers?Regards,CA Sanjeev Bedi--- In ICAI_CIRC_MEERUT_CA@yahoogroups.com, CA Amresh Vashisht-Moderator wrote:>> Who is a smarter, a MBA or a CA?>> Being a Chartered Accountant or Masters of BusinessAdministration (MBA) is the dream destination of million of Indianyouths at present. Comparing the two highly prestigious professionsby an instance, it is found that the MBA are more perceptive andcrafty than CA's .The instance runs as follows.>> Seven MBA's and seven CA`s are preparing to leave for Mumbaifrom Pune .Both the batches are at the railway station .Each of thegroups is eager to prove its worthy than the other.>> SCENE I (Pune – Mumbai)>> – The swarm of 7 MBAs buys just 1 ticket while the 7 CA'sbuy 7 tickets. Both the groups board the train. At this moment theysee a ticket collector approaching their seats. CA's impatientlywait for the TC to arrive. The team of 7 MBAs tends to concealthemselves in a toilet trying to defeat the TC's eye. The TC seesone of them entering the toilet and knocks the door of the toilet insuspicion. One MBA's hand appears with a ticket from inside. Afterverifying the ticket the TC leaves. The CA's tries to argue. On thereturn journey both the groups don't find a direct train to Pune sothey first had to travel to Lonawala and then to Pune by a localtrain>> SCENE – 2 (MUMBAI TO LONAWALA)>> -The CA's try to show their quick wit to the MBAs. CA's take oneticket where as the MBAs, being one step ahead; decide not to buyany ticket. The TC appeared upon the scene in the train. The CA'shide in one of the toilets .The MBAs rush ingeniously to the otherone. One of the MBAs knocks at the toilet door of the CA's. One CAhand appears with a ticket from inside and handed over the ticket toMBA mistaking him to be the TC. The MBA then returns back to hisrespective toilet. The TC drives the CA's out of the dingy place andlevied a heavy fine on them. MBAs bid farewell to the so calledintelligent group of CA's.>> SCENE -3 (LONAWALA TO PUNE)>> - Both the groups are at the Lonawala railway station. The CA'sdecides to play the final game to prove themselves superior in witand wisdom. Both the group boards the local train to Pune. CA's tryto imitate the MBAs and do not buy any tickets. Contrary to this,MBAs buy 7 tickets this time. The TC steps in. The MBAs get theirtickets checked. CA's tried to locate a toilet to stack them intoit. But may be it slipped out of their minds that local trains haveno toilets. Thus, the funda is that MBAs are always smarter and moreintelligent then CA's.>>> CA VASHISHT AMRESH, FCA, Moderator> icai_circ_meerut_ca - The Largest (9500 MEMBERS) CA GROUP OF THEWORLD> Also the First and Only CA Group to cross One Crore Messages ina Month, almost every month ! An accomplishment that certainlyrequires the daily dedication and collaboration of the entire Group.> 1 1 5, Chappel Street, Meerut Cantt, UP, INDIA.> Phone: 0 1 2 1-2 6 6 1 9 4 6. Cell: 9 8 3 7 5 1 5 4 3 2.>>> ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast withYahoo! Search.>
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